viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011


18 comentarios:

  1. Victory! New Hampshire Lawmaker Resigns Over Rant Against the Homeless
    By Rich Lombino & Elizabeth Lombino • March 15, 2011

    "I support helping people in need, but I don't want to see them in my neighborhood" Harty said.
    Poverty in America is pleased to announce victory in the fight against myths and discrimination towards the homeless.
    New Hampshire’s State Representative Martin Harty tells the homeless people and the ones with mental disabilities should be sent to Siberia. A woman that was in support of providing services and financial support for homeless populations calls Harty. But he obviously was not supportive. So a petition against the offensive statements to the homeless was release and this one got 100 signatures. Making Harty submitted his resignation. These hate-filled and ignorant words demonstrate the persuasive stigma against homeless and with mental illness people. Harty clearly shows his lack of knowledge related to poverty and homelessness and the ignorance of mental health issues. The suggestion of these individuals to go to Siberia was offensive. Not only did former State Rep. Harty not want homeless individuals in his back yard, he doesn't even want them in this country. This is seen as butt of jokes. Fortunately, many members and the NH GOP party members agree gaining a swift victory.
    By Paola Arocha.

  2. Title: Could China be the Next Country to Ban Shark Fins?
    By: Renee Evans.

    Din Liguo, a delegate of the National People’s Congress, thinks China shouls and needs to ban shark fins in order to save millions of sharks and preserve endangered species.
    The anti-shark finning movement has been gaining momentum across the world, creating victories for sharks in places like Guam and the United States. Could China, a nation that considers shark fin soup a cultural delicacy and symbol of status, ban shark fins, too?
    Liguo had proposed a ban, but it faces controversy and scrutiny, largely from restaurants and fishermen who make a pretty penny off the brutal practice. Wild Aid in 2001 showed shark fins from Hong Kong contained 42 times the safe level of toxic metals for people.
    According to Shark Savers, the practice of hacking off the fin of a shark and tossing it back into the water to die is inhumane, it threatens nearly 30 species to extinct.
    A group has worked to educate and encourage people to stop eating shark fins. According to a the group, the more people know about shark fins, the less likely they will be to consume it but Ding Liguo believes that the only way to truly end the consumption and trade of shark fins is through legislation.
    A ban on shark fins in China would be a tremendous victory for our oceans and its top predator.

  3. Stanford Students Com Together to Create Student-Run Homeless Shelter. By Megan Cottrell

    "We will listen to the stories entrusted to us, more than anything else, it will be a place for our community to come together and learn from each other."
    Kids at stanford, believe it or not, don't only think about themselves but also of others, in this case homeless people who they are wiling to help and take care of.
    When you think of students at prestigious colleges and universities like Stanford, you might imagine spoiled, self-involved rich kids. But a group of Stanford students are defying those stereotypes, pushing their fellow students and their community to confront the reality of homelessness where they live.Six Stanford undergrads learned about the need for another city shelter by volunteering with the homeless at an organization called Night Outreach. Through their efforts, they uncovered a startling fact. Although there's about 178 homeless people living on the streets of their city, there are only 15 shelter beds. That's when they got the idea: to start another shelter run  by Stanford students.Students need to show that there's serious support from other Stanford students. That's why they created a petition on for students to show that they're interested in helping with the project. In just one day, they've gathered 74 signatures, and hope to gain as many as 2,000 before they present their business plan for the shelter to the university in March.At a community round table in early February, the students presented their ideas to local homeless service providers, community leaders, university officials and homeless residents themselves. Baylon described the meeting as "a beautiful experience," and is excited about the possibility of the shelter moving forward, both as a way to serve Palo Alto's homeless community and to allow students to connect with the city they live in.

  4. Camila Consuegra Ruiz 8B - (Criminal Justice)

    California Mom Leads Campaign to Get Prisoners Safe Drinking Water

    People do care about those behinds bars -- those who may have made mistakes, but who deserve to be provided water that won't sicken them. It's just a matter of getting California's politicians and prison bureaucrats to care too. Blanca Gonzalez's son is one of many prisoners at California's Kern Valley State Prison, sickened by the foul water they are forced to drink. For years California officials have been promising to fix the facility's water problem. And for years they have failed to deliver, extending and then extending again their self-imposed deadlines. Her petition was first featured in and in a few weeks, more than 2,100 people have joined demanding that the state stop poisoning its prisoners with arsenic-laced water. That support elicited a response from the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation's Scott Kernan, who oversees prison. Now activists need to step up the pressure and get them to actually do something about the problem.

    Charles Davis.

  5. You'll Poke Your Eye Out! New Jersey Gov't Nixes Tree Branches On Playgrounds
    by Megan Cottrell · March 17, 2011

    In the state of New Jersey the law prohibits tree branches on playground areas. But not in the landscape which is the for a school that is fighting to keep its trees for the kids to play with. The parents believe the trees are important for their children but the government says it is dangerous.
    Pam Carolan chose the Children's School in Moorestown, New Jersey for her daughter because of its rural setting and vast outdoor play area. So when she heard the state of New Jersey was making the school cut down all tree branches below 7 feet on their property, she was visibly upset.
    When the school's director, Sue Maloney, questioned the state on their mandate to cut down the tree branches, state inspectors told her that the tree branches were a safety and suspension hazard and must be cut down.
    We questioned New Jersey's Department of Children and Family to see if they were willing to grant an exception for this unique rural school. The answer was no.
    The department did say they'd consider options on how to fix the situation - one of which would be putting a fence around the trees. But any option that restricts a family's choice to place their child in a natural setting is not okay with Sue Maloney.
    Furthermore, Maloney says, she doesn't think the state inspectors are reading the law correctly. Their center follows the Public Playground Safety Handbook, set forth by the National Consumer Safety Commission and put into law by New Jersey. That handbook restricts branches on a playground area, but not in the landscape, like the trees at the school.
    But even more important, says Maloney, is the fact that any contact with nature is seen as an imminent danger to children.

  6. By: Priscilla Torres. 8B

    No Surprise: Homeless Patients Cost Hospitals More
    by Elizabeth Lombino

    A recent Canadian study found that hospital patients who are homeless end up costing hospitals more money. Really, it took a study to find this out?
    Gainesville, Florida officials who impose a 130-meal-limit on area soup kitchens. The study was conducted by a Canadian physician at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. The study found that overall, homeless patients cost hospitals an additional $2,500 each. The reasons for this extra cost are most often related to housing issues. Often homeless shelters will not accept a person if they are recently discharged from the hospital or are still ill, which can further complicate the issue. The study team found similar findings from a study conducted in New York City in 1998.
    Poverty Cause recently, homeless individuals with inadequate nourishment are at a higher risk of being hospitalized. Food is an essential and basic need which is being denied in Gainesville.
    This is where the cycle of poverty and financial burden worsens.

    This causes a burden not only on the hospital, but also on the community of Gainesville. To backtrack, much of this began with a struggling father attempting to provide his family with food. He sought assistance with his local soup kitchen. Yet, because of an inhumane and confusing meal-limit ordinance, he and his family went hungry.

    It seems clear that providing meals to all who are hungry would cost Gainesville much less money than allowing families to go hungry and therefore risk health issues and lengthy hospital stays.

    Why is this still painfully unclear to the officials in Gainesville?

    Please sign and share the petition demanding Gainesville to provide meals to all who are hungry.

  7. By: Priscilla Torres. 8B

    No Surprise: Homeless Patients Cost Hospitals More
    by Elizabeth Lombino

    A recent Canadian study found that hospital patients who are homeless end up costing hospitals more money. Really, it took a study to find this out?

    Gainesville, Florida officials who impose a 130-meal-limit on area soup kitchens. The study was conducted by a Canadian physician at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. The study found that overall, homeless patients cost hospitals an additional $2,500 each. The reasons for this extra cost are most often related to housing issues. Often homeless shelters will not accept a person if they are recently discharged from the hospital or are still ill, which can further complicate the issue. The study team found similar findings from a study conducted in New York City in 1998.
    Poverty Cause recently, homeless individuals with inadequate nourishment are at a higher risk of being hospitalized. Food is an essential and basic need which is being denied in Gainesville.
    This is where the cycle of poverty and financial burden worsens.

    This causes a burden not only on the hospital, but also on the community of Gainesville. To backtrack, much of this began with a struggling father attempting to provide his family with food. He sought assistance with his local soup kitchen. Yet, because of an inhumane and confusing meal-limit ordinance, he and his family went hungry.

    It seems clear that providing meals to all who are hungry would cost Gainesville much less money than allowing families to go hungry and therefore risk health issues and lengthy hospital stays.

    Why is this still painfully unclear to the officials in Gainesville?

    Please sign and share the petition demanding Gainesville to provide meals to all who are hungry.

  8. Renewing the Commitment to Ending HIV/AIDS on International Women's Day

    Each year on International Women’s Day, I take time to reflect on the many inspiring and courageous women The communities I visit are often ravaged by hunger, violence and disease, all of which are byproducts of gut wrenching poverty. And, from community to community, it always seems that the common thread I see is the marginalization of women, who are oftentimes barred from working or exploited by employers, forced to marry before reaching adulthood and have little if any access to education or information about reproductive health.
    become targets of discrimination and stigma that prevent them from being able to support their familiesthey are assisting orphans; and they are teaching girls about making their own choices with regards to their bodies.Some of these community leaders are living with HIV or AIDS and some are not. Monica Oguttu Her organization works at the nexus of poverty and HIV/AIDS, integrating education on nutrition, food security, livelihood strategies and home-based care through a program where community members, including women living with AIDS.But if Congress goes through with massive cuts to foreign aid that are under consideration, the effect on groups like K-MET, will be devastating. The President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS A 30% reduction in funds for prevention of mother-to-child transmission; The Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator estimates that 100,000 fewer pregnant women would receive services that prevent mother-to-child transmission and approximately 20,000 more infants would be infected each year with HIV;International Women’s Day is another chance to recognize the challenges and impact of women, like Monica Oguttu, and all women and girls living with hunger, disease and violence. I have seen the possibilities that lie ahead for the more than 400 grassroots organizations we support throughout Africa, Latin America and Asia. The U.S. government has the power to do more. Call on Congress to continue in its commitment to maintain robust levels of foreign assistance so we can continue to play a major role in ending the global HIV/AIDS pandemic.
    Isabella Olivieri 8b

  9. By: Rafael Frieri
    Grade: 8B
    Title: They told me Kaplan was just like an Ivy League School
    Author: Carol Scott
    A girl named Carol Scott had paralegal classes at Hesser College. She had an e-mail of Kaplan that told her that Kaplan was like an Ivy League School that they had the best accreditation level available just like other universities like Harvard so she started taking paralegal classes at Kaplan. Eleven classes before she was going to graduate Kaplan told Carol that she couldn’t graduate before paying in cash. So she was shocked and started searching about New Hampshire’s paralegal degrees. Then she founded there are not paralegal programs in NH and that Kaplan was not even accredited by the American Bar Association. Kaplan ruined her and other students. Now she joined 40 students for people don’t be at Kaplan.

  10. Deaths of 9 Alabama Patients Tied to Intravenous Supplement
    State and federal health officials are investigating the deaths of nine patients at Alabama hospitals who were all given an intravenous nutritional supplement that investigators have found was contaminated by bacteria.
    The bacteria, called Serratia marcescens, which is most commonly found in water. It can be introduced into the bloodstream via contaminated fluid administered through a catheter.
    State officials have identified the source of the supplement, which is known as Total Parenteral Nutrition, or T.P.N., as the Meds IV Pharmacy in Birmingham, a compounding pharmacy that makes medications that do not come premixed.
    State officials said the pharmacy has stopped distributing the supplement and was no longer open. Dr. Kallen said it was unlikely the company would reopen, adding that it had made the decision to close on its own.
    The affected patients ranged in age from 38 to 94. Eleven were women and eight were men.
    The supplement is typically administered to patients whose gastrointestinal systems are not working properly, including those undergoing chemotherapy or recovering from major surgery. The mix is delivered to hospitals in containers presumed to be sterile and has a limited shelf life.

    By: Maria Jose Oliva

  11. How To Save $15 Billion Of Health Care Costs
    The expansion of our nation's community health centers would low income workers without adequate health insurance, high-cost hospital emergency rooms would maintain productivity in our recovering economy. The federal funding is in doubt right now as Congress debates a new budget. House Republicans have proposed cutting money from health center funding. Federal investments in health centers strengthen and expand primary care capacity, Reducing health center funding would jeopardizes their ability to expand access to quality care for vulnerable populations and reduces their positive impact on racial and ethnic health disparities, birth outcomes, local economies, and federal and state health care costs. Dr. Shin and r Sara Rosenbaum showed that by losing the investment dollars, health centers would not be able to offer their services. This loss of access would force patients to seek care in higher cost settings like emergency rooms or go without care, causing them to miss work. The proposed health center funding reductions will cut deep into the heart of the program and our communities. Continued and enhanced federal investment is necessary if we are to maintain the positive impact of the health center program in urban and rural communities across the country. Legislators in Washington are working out the details of the budget.

    By: Patricia Abisambra

  12. "Farmers in the countries that produce the bulk of cocoa bought by the multinationals who control the market have found the crop a bitter harvest. The minimal rewards they have historically received do not provide incentives for the time-consuming work of replanting as their trees die off..."

    This Wednesday, the Hershey Company announced that it would be increasing the prices of its chocolate by almost 10% to offset input costs, including raw materials. With cocoa prices rising globally due to lower production from West Africa and a ban on cocoa exports from the world's largest cocoa producing country, Cote d'Ivoire.
    will the farmers trapped in poverty who produce the key ingredient for this multi-billion dollar company benefit from the price hike?
    Fear of a looming cocoa shortage is pushing many chocolate companies to develop a range of strategies to address problems in their cocoa supply. For example, the company will soon be releasing a new product called "Air Delight" that actually adds air into chocolate as an innovative way to reduce the amount of cocoa in chocolate.
    The good news for Hershey is that the company expects the new price increases. But for the cocoa farmers who struggle to survive, will Hershey's price increases have any impact on the underlying issues that affect their daily lives and thus, the world cocoa prices?
    The recent rise in prices is a result of fears that farmers are abandoning cocoa.
    For years, cocoa farmers have not been paid adequately to cover the cost of their production and without a solid income for cocoa growers, labor rights abuses like trafficking, forced labor and child labor have flourished. For many farmers, enough is enough and they are shifting from cocoa to other crops.
    Cadbury has made major commitments to Fair Trade cocoa and operates a range of other programs to support cocoa growing communities. "Our move into Fair Trade was a separate step, to both pay a better price to farmers, and to encourage the next generation of cocoa farmers to stay within the industry." Sophi Tranchell of the Fair Trade company, Divine Chocolate, said, "The best route for sustainability is for farmers to organise themselves into larger units, to be able to manage their own farming improvements through improved remuneration, and to put them in a position where they have more influence in the cocoa supply chain.

    By: Diego Echeverry

  13. Allies Pressuring Qaddafi Forces around Rebel Cities.
    The article is about the rebellion of the people in Libya and the pressure that have coronel Qaddafi by the countries that want to Qaddafi get down of the power and he does not want to get down of the power and the international community reactions attacking the Qaddafi’s army also in the night the attacks continued and Qaddafi’s forces retreat, in the sea six NATO warship patrols the coast of Libya to enforced United Nations Germany said that he would sent 300 more troops for Afghanistan to help operate surveillance aircraft, German officials said.


  14. Circus Elephant Abuse Caught on Video as Parliament Considers Ban on Animal Acts

    Circus owners would have you believe that their animals are treated well, and even considered "part of the family." But video footage released last week from animal defenders international shows the harsh reality of what happens behind the scenes at the Big Top.
    People who have been exposing circus cruelty for years won't be shocked by the violent abuse suffered by animals at the hands of the Bobby Roberts Super Circus in the U.K. Several animals were subjected to beatings, in this case is an elderly elephant named Anne.
    Anne is a 57-year-old arthritic elephant who has been with the circus for more than fifty years. In 48 instances were documented of Anne being hit with a metal pitchfork and kicked around the body and face.
    By: Tarquino Pacheco

  15. The Fight for Tony the Truck Stop Tiger Heads to Court.

    Tony, the Siberian tiger, spends his days as a roadside attraction in Louisiana and feels as sad as any other animal caught, but we hope now is the beginning of the end of his captivity.
    Animal Defense Fund has given a legal battle for the freedom of Tony.
    Leonardo Di Caprio, advocator of all life, asked fans of Twitter and Facebook to help him to release Tony. This tiger has been living in an enclosure inappropriate and inhumane. The next morning the ADLF will begin to discuss tony’s situation about state regulations on the ownership of these cats, even so the tigers are allowed as pets. Officials have spent years ignoring this situation but now people began to speak for the feline. Now the difference is that Tony has a legal team that is forcing wildlife department to vouch for their situation in court.

    -Isabella Cotes

  16. ‘Thor’: Chris Hemsworth on magic, crocodiles and Hollywood

    The 27-year-old grew up in the sun-scorched northern territory of Australia and once watched as his father; who had been hospitalized again and again for painful back spasms. He gave himself over to the rituals of a healer from a nearby Aboriginal tribe.“He had gone to hospital like once a month for these spasms and this man had said he could see something wrong with my dad’s aura and that he could fix it,” Hemsworth said. Chris had no television so he entretained himself creatig roleplay sagas with his brothers. He now plays the primitive, warlike god named Thor, eventhrough he is a country boy he is now playing one of Marvel's Avengers.
    The movie is made to fill expectations and it has a amazing cast; Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins and Renne Russo.

  17. ‘Thor’: Chris Hemsworth on magic, crocodiles and Hollywood

    The 27-year-old grew up in the sun-scorched northern territory of Australia and once watched as his father; who had been hospitalized again and again for painful back spasms. He gave himself over to the rituals of a healer from a nearby Aboriginal tribe.“He had gone to hospital like once a month for these spasms and this man had said he could see something wrong with my dad’s aura and that he could fix it,” Hemsworth said. Chris had no television so he entretained himself creatig roleplay sagas with his brothers. He now plays the primitive, warlike god named Thor, eventhrough he is a country boy he is now playing one of Marvel's Avengers.
    The movie is made to fill expectations and it has a amazing cast; Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins and Renne Russo.

    Paulo Lopez

  18. Trees Too Dangerous? That's What New Jersey Child Care Inspectors Say

    If you've ever climbed a tree you could be in danger according to New Jersey school inspector, but the director Maloney says "But they play with the trees!”, while started a petition for the director of new Jersey Office of licensing (Jane Minella) to allow to keep the trees as they are and she says that they tell to theirs kid to recycle, plant trees and be friends of the environment.
    When you grew up a tree you can smell fresh air and running free, therefore always remember to have caution when you step on a tree.
    by_: juandavid robles
